English | Big5-code | GB-code | Japanese |
English Name :  Xianxingzhe (Pioneer)
Pinyin Notation :  xian1 xing2 zhe3
Cantonese Notation :  sin1 hang4 dze2
Birthday :  29, November, 2000
Birthplace :  Changsha, Hunan prov
Bulletin Board : 
SaHKa's Homepage Xianxingzhe BBS (Bulletin Board of SaHKa's Homepage) (Japanese)
LYCOS BBS : Talk about Xianxingzhe ! (Japanese)
Pieces of the Future BBS (Bulletin Board of Pieces of the Future) (Japanese)
Armerd soldier Xianxingzhe : BUG Report BBS (Bulletin Board of Armerd soldier Xianxingzhe) (Japanese)
Armerd soldier Xianxingzhe : Guestbook (Bulletin Board of Armerd soldier Xianxingzhe) (Japanese)
The Soul of Samurai Fans Board (Bulletin Board of Cross2K) (Japanese)
Unofficial The Soul of Samurai Support BBS (Japanese)
The Garden of Xianxingzhe BBS (Bulletin Board of The Garden of Xianxingzhe) (Japanese)
Talk about Xianxingzhe (Bulletin Board of Xianxingzhe League) (Japanese)
Xianxingzhe Love League BBS (Bulletin Board of Xianxingzhe Love League) (Japanese)
The Way of Xianxingzhe BBS (Bulletin Board of The Way of Xianxingzhe) (Japanese)
Gyro Horizon BBS (Bulletin Board of Gyro Horizon ) (Japanese)
THE SECRET HILL BBS (Bulletin Board of Wooden Xianxingzhe) (Japanese)
Autonomous_Agent_Farm BBS (Bulletin Board of Autonomous_Agent_Farm) (Japanese)
GROUP KABURA BBS (Bulletin Board of GROUP KABURA) (Japanese)
Encyclopedia Asian Stars : Xianxingzhe BBS (Japanese)
Homepage : 
People Daily (Japanese)
Search China : Information of Xianxingzhe (Japanese)
The Soul of Samurai (Japanese)
Japanese Xianxingzhe Making Project (Japanese)
::: Xianxingzhe ::: (Japanese)
The Perfect Movie of Xianxingzhe (Japanese)
The Garden of Xianxingzhe (Japanese)
Pieces of the Future (Japanese)
1/12 scale Xianxingzhe (Japanese)
Octa Xianquzhe (Japanese)
Think about Xianxingzhe (Japanese)
Xianxingzhe League (Japanese)
Xianxingzhe Love League (Japanese)
Play of Xianxingzhe (Japanese)
The Way of Xianxingzhe (Japanese)
Movile Suit Xianxingzhe (Japanese)
Gyro Horizon (Japanese)
Xianxingzhe BOBILE MASCOT (Japanese)
Wooden Xianxingzhe (Japanese)
Autonomous_Agent_Farm (Japanese)
The Future of China over Xianxingzhe (Japanese)
Xianxingzhe Mini Game : Fire! China Canon (Japanese)
The Song for drawing Xianxingzhe (Japanese)
Xianxingzhe Festival (Japanese)
Armerd soldier Xianxingzhe (Japanese)
SEAWorks Network! (Special:Xianxingzhe) (Japanese)
noa project (Japanese)
Xianxingzhe |Requiem| (Japanese)
Hell of China Foods (Japanese)
IMU's Xianxingzhe Corner (Japanese)
Xianxingzhe Mascot (Macintosh/Amusement) (Japanese)
Xianxingzhe Webring (Japanese)
SaHKa's Homepage (Japanese)
BLOCK DE Xianxingzhe (Japanese)
Sadness of Xianxingzhe (Japanese)
HALLUCINATION : Xianxingzhe (Japanese)
Pepar Craft of Xianxingzhe (Japanese)
Rego Block Xianxingzhe (Japanese)
Ni Hao Homepage (Japanese)
Daikonmizumashi : Xianxingzhe (Japanese)
Electoronic Energy System : Xianxingzhe special (Japanese)
The Play of Xianxingzhe (Japanese)
Mobile : 
My Boom (Japanese)
The top of Chinese Technology! Xianxingzhe! (Japanese)
Xianxingzhe March (Japanese)


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Last Updated : 18, February, 2008.
Webmaster : Takashi Kishigami (E-mail : asiastar@nifty.com)